Crazy High Winds and Smoke in the Bay Area

The beautiful fall weather of the Bay Area is covered in smoke. Times like this , allow us to reflect on the beautiful weather of our Tri- Valley.
Raging winds are shutting down certain highways due to hazardous conditions from the raging winds. Extreme cases are cause for some evacuations.
In this unfortunate time, officials ask people to stay indoors for best air quality in the Bay Area.
Inside your home you can keep the bad air out, but it can trap the contamination inside. It’s important to know the proper steps to take to keep your air quality clean. The first line of defense is to keep your space clean and use proper filters for your HVAC system.
There are several different types of filters; disposable electrostatic, washable electrostatic, fiberglass and pleated. For the best fit for your home, Environmental Protection Agency suggest contacting a reliable HVAC technician. Contact Sierra Crest Construction and we can refer you to a trusted technician for your home.