PG&E continues to shut off power to large areas of homes and businesses in the Bay Area. Over the course of the last several months, they have taken initiative to prevent fires by cutting power to several cities.
Kincade Fire has set ablaze to over 21,900 acres in the northern Sonoma County. Firefighters struggle to contain the fire. Strong winds, up to 80mph are against them. So far, 49 structures have been consumed by this raging fire.
The cause is still unknown, but there is suspicion surrounding faulty PG&E transmission lines, in the area where the fire broke out.
Power outages are on the rise in the U.S. They hurt the homeowner, but also affect the business owner. An outage can cost upwards of $30 million dollars a year. There’s never been a greater time to consider onsite power sources. Solar energy could save you from being out of power when you need it.
Homeowners , take action now by:
- Have battery operated flashlights and candles
- Stock up on pantry items- that do not require electricity
- If using a generator, hire a trusted electrician to install in your home. Call Sierra Crest for a recommendation on a local electrician.
- Consider installing solar panels.
- Stay informed, but remain calm!